Tuatara Facts

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Body Twister

As part of Keeping Ourselves Safe we have been learning to say our names, addresses and phone numbers. (Keep practicing them at home as well). 
We know to keep calm, look for someone we can trust, (that maybe someone we know or it may be a police officer or a someone who works in the shop we are lost in). Think about where we last saw mum or dad and tell the person helping us our name and where we were last with mum or dad.

Today we learnt that our body is our own body and we are in charge of it.
We also played body twister as we named the parts of our body.


There were some amazing hair styles in Room 8 today, what a great effort!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Tuatara Rock heads to the Museum.

Today we visited the museum and had a great time. There were so many things to see and enjoy. We learnt a little bit about a lot of things including Tuataras. Keep following our page to see some of our learning.


Explore - Cafe

Last Friday was our last Explore for the term and our Cafe opened for the first time. There were 
lovely wait staff who seated our guests and took their orders, chefs and kitchen hands.

 The children used their 'money' to purchase from a range of delicious food - nashi pears, and slices and/or fruit tea.  It was a very popular choice and will continue running next term with the baking made during Explore being 'sold' at the cafe. The guests were polite and recommended the cafe to friends.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Cross Country

We had a fabulous day yesterday at the Halswell Quarry. The Tuatara Rock tamariki had such a positive attitude towards our school cross country. All the training certainly paid off and even though there were a few nervous tamariki everyone participated and persisted to achieve our cross country challenge. Mahi nui, great job!
We have arrived!
Lined up - ready to race.

Take your marks!

Can you catch Indy?

We have a winner!

Don't stop - even if you lose your shoe!

Here they come.
Nearly there.

The Podium.

Medals and lots of points for Sparks.