Tuatara Facts

Monday, July 25, 2016

The Olympics

This term we will be following the Olympics. Each room is representing a different country during our Olympic Sports Day in Week 3. Tuatara Rock is Denmark.
Today we learnt about the Olympic Rings representing the 5 different continents. We learnt that Denmark is part of Europe and New Zealand is part of Australasia.

This is a map of Europe...

and this is a close up of Denmark.

The Flag of Denmark is red with a white cross.

Denmark has an amazing bridge and tunnel that links it to Sweden.


Newspaper News

Please bring an article to share with the class or go to Kiwi Kids News online and send me an email of the article you would like to share. I am happy to print it for you.
Monday 1st August - Alivia
Friday 5th August - Anika