Tuatara Facts

Monday, August 29, 2016

Wearable Arts

Tuatara Rock is a hive of activity. I have been impressed with how patient the children have been when they are not working on their costume.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Problem Solving in Tuatara Rock

Here are some examples of Maths in Tuatara Rock

Miss Cone’s 2 cats (Scruff and Puss) caught 8 mice altogether!

How many mice might Puss and Scruff each caught?

How many different solutions can you find?

How do you know you have all the possible solutions?

You are in a line of people, there are 4 people in front of you, twice as many people are behind you. How many people are in the line altogether?

Here is one way of stacking four different cubes on top of each other. 

What other ways are there?

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Room 8 and 13's Assembly

Last Friday we celebrated the opening of the Olympics with our fantastic assembly. There was dancing and singing and medals awarded. Wow Room 8, you and Room 13 did a fantastic job. More photos to come.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Newspaper News

Week 3
Monday 8/8/2016 - Ethan
Friday 12/8/2016 - Harry D

Week 4
Monday 15/8/2016 - Mackenzie
Friday 19/8/2016 - Holly

Week 5
Monday 22/8/2016 - Quinn
Friday 26/8/2016 - Reuben

Week 6
Monday 29/8/2016 - Harry W
Friday 2/9/2016 - Riley

Week 7
Monday 5/9/2016 - Keevah
Friday 9/9/2016 - Serena

Week 8
Monday 12/9/2016 - Daniel O
Friday 16/9/2016 - Stephanie

Week 9
Monday 19/9/2016 - Ryder