Tuatara Facts

Friday, March 2, 2018


What an exciting day we had today. We dressed up in astronaut flight suits and then learned about all sorts of new things. We watched a video of a space shuttle taking off, and watched the boosters fall off at 2 mins. We saw how the boosters fell down and landed in the sea. Did you know that the Space Shuttle orbits Earth upside down so that the astronauts can see the Earth. We looked at space food and found out that the astronauts can attach the packets to their flight suit. We saw how a space toilet works and there is NO water in a space toilet. We saw how the astronauts float in their beds, which are like sleeping bags and they don't need a pillow. We made our own rockets and flew them outside. Have a look at our photos below.

Thomas showing how space food attaches to his flight suit.

Some space food


Macaroni and Cheese

The astronauts attach these to their flight suits.

Cashew nuts

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Our Shared Lunch

Team Harakeke had a shared lunch to celebrate all of our different cultures. We have been asking "how are we all the same?" and "how are we all different?"

Part of our differences are our cultures. Culture is what makes a group of people special and unique! Food, language, religion, clothing, and family traditions are a few of the things that help create our culture.

We tried foods from all around the world and they were delicious. Thanks to all the mums and dads who helped prepare the food.