Tuatara Facts

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Maths in Tuatara Rock

Each week we start with a maths problem written as a story. We discuss the words in the story that give us clues on how we could solve the problem. Then work with a partner or small group using our whiteboards and maths equipment to solve it. The first part of this weeks problem was this ... 

Our local Pizza Place has only two tables but they are quite big. If each table holds 7 people, how many people can be seated altogether?

Have a look at some of the ways we solved this problem.

The Chicken N Chips next door to the Pizza Place also has two identical tables. 

The Chicken N Chips can seat 16 people. How many people can sit at each table?

What if there were 24 people, how many at each table?

Football Skills

This term we are learning football skills. Each week for the next 5 weeks Chris is going to be coming out and teaching us skills through fun games. Last week we learnt about spreading out on the field. This week we learnt about passing to someone on our team to get a goal.
It is a lot of fun.


On the last day of the term we made Easter hats and had a parade to show the other children in Harakeke our wonderful creations. The children really put on their 'thinking hats' when they came up with their creative designs.
Have a look at the wonderful hats we made.