Tuatara Facts

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Paper Mache Birds

For the upcoming 'Heart the Art' Tuatara Rock has begun making their Paper Mache Birds inspired by art from Barbara Kobylinksa. We began by filling our bottles with sand so that they won't tip over. We then formed the neck and began our paper mache. PERSISTENCE has been the key word for making something with paper mache!
Mrs Innes kept on saying "another layer". Once our necks were strong enough we added the heads, beaks and crests. Keep watching for updated photos because we still haven't finished.


  1. I have been watching the birds taking shape and am looking forward to seeing the finished birds.

  2. I can't wait to see the finished product. Great persistence Room 8.

  3. I have heard a lot about these birds and have seen glimpses of them as they've been made, however last night at the art gallery WOW! They looks spectacular alongside all the other artwork. Well done room 8!
